Jnana526 미소 SMILE Practice smiling inwardly daily. 미소 웃는 것을 매일 마음속으로 연습해라. 2018. 7. 21. 이완 RELAX Be patient So that you are not affected By the wrong attitude of others. 이완 인내해라.그러면 너는 영향받지 않을 것이다다른 이의 잘못된 태도(사고방식)에 의한 것에서. 2018. 7. 21. 실용적인 지혜 PRACTICAL WISDOM Resist doing someone else’s work When the opportunity is given to another,Lest you deprive the other person of his/her chance in Working with an energy prepared for him/her. Likewise, do not let someone else work in your place Unless it is absolutely necessary, for it would mean you Losing a job intended for you and for which you have Been prepared. 실용적인 지혜 누군가의 일을 하는 것을 거부해라의무가.. 2018. 7. 21. 진리 TRUTH When you sincerely ask for the Truth, the Truth will be revealed to you, When the time for its revelation is right. 진리(진실)네가 진리를 진심으로 구할때,진리는 너에게 드러날 것이다,그것의 드러냄(폭로)을 위한 시간이 맞을 때이다. 2018. 7. 18. 이전 1 ··· 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ··· 132 다음