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위선 HYPOCRISY Beware of the nations and their leaders Who talk about Peace, New World Order, Compassion, Love, Caring and Sharing, While all the time, Either overtly or occultly, They express unjust intolerance, They uphold double standards, They hunger for power and control over the poor, The hungry, the disadvantaged and the helpless. Such dangerous ones speak of peace But hunger for war. They tal.. 2018. 8. 12.
연민 COMPASSION Human pity is not compassion. Compassion is of the Divine, But human pity is born out of Ignorance, weakness and ego. Divine Compassion expresses from your heart. It heals, it understands. It discerns and it redeems. Human pity is but a slave of emotional impressions Expressing through the lower nature Which is so often mistaken As coming from the heart. 연민 인간의 연민(pity)은 연민(compassion.. 2018. 8. 12.
자연 NATURE The snowfields are Shiva’s loud laughter at the world And His leelas piled up In the absolute whiteness On the high mountain tops. The howling winds are His sheer Joy Which, when reflected, Touches your heart, Melts its coldness And blows all your cares away. Be HAPPY And Be in PEACE. 자연 설원(눈 덮인 들판)은세상에 있는 시바의 큰 웃음이고그의 즐거움(leelas)은 커진다완벽한 순백 안에서그 높은 산 정상 위에서. 울부짖는 바람은 그의 순전한 기쁨이것은, 비추어질 때.. 2018. 8. 11.
편협성 BIGOTRY I see devil worshippers When I see people Of various creeds And churches surrender Themselves to the devil By crying out “anathema”. 편협성 나는 악마 숭배자들을 본다내가 사람들을 볼때다양한 신조(교리)들의그리고 교회들은 순응한다그들 스스로 악마들에게"파문되는 것"에 울면서 (나는 다양한 교리들의 사람들을 볼 때 악마를 숭배하는 것을 본다그리고 교회들은 "파문되는 것"에 울면서 그들 스스로 악마에게 순응한다.) 2018. 8. 11.