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자기성찰 INTROSPECTION If you are in a habit Of always blaming Someone for your action, Examine yourself closely Lest you are harboring A negative energy Which tries to disrupt The harmony around you. 자기성찰 만약 네가 버릇이 있다면늘 책임을 전가하는누군가에게 너의 행동을,너스스로에게 가까이에서 설명해라네가 품지 않도록(머무르지 않도록)부정적인 에너지에힘들게 하도록 시도하는너 주변의 조화를 2018. 7. 25.
비움 EMPTINESS An empty feeling within is not in itself a bad thing, unless it is a sad and restless emptiness which is the result of unfulfilled desires and attachments. For those who tread the spiritual path, emptiness is very usually a necessary transition from one state to another. It is a healthy sign. Human worldly activities which people mistakenly call “living” leave an intolerable emptinessi.. 2018. 7. 25.
평범함의 찬양 IN PRAISE OF ORDINARINESS Is it your notion that the Divine should manifest yogic power, materialize objects, and work miracles? It is spiritually useless to practice this in one’s everyday life, because it is not a spiritual force which gives the power to do such things. 평범함의 찬양 신성은 요가적인 힘을 드러내야 한다는 건 너의 관념이니, 물질적인 것들, 그리고 기적적인 일들? 누군가의 매일의 삶에서 영적으로 이것을 수행하는 것은 쓸모없다, 왜냐면 영적인 영향력(force)이 아니기 때문이.. 2018. 7. 24.
자연스럽게 되어라. BE NATURAL It is better to do what needs to be done without any attachment or expectation. In your relationship with others, act simply and sincerely with the right inner attitude and quiet detachment. Be natural. Act naturally. 자연스럽게 되어라. 어떤 갈망이나 바람없이 되어진 대로 필요한 것을 하는 것이 더 낫다. 다른이와의 관계 속에서, 단순하고 다정하게 행동해라 옳은 내면의 태도와 고요한 무심함(공평함)으로. 자연스럽게 되어라. 자연스럽게 행동해라. 2018. 7. 24.